Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorder
A substance use disorder characterized by frequent consumption of substances…
Other Hallucinogen Use Disorder
The disorder typically includes a strong urge to consume the…
Inhalant Use Disorder
Inhalants present in some household and workplace products that produce…
Substance Induced Mood Disorder
Medication / substance induced depressive disorder is the medical name…
Tobacco Use Disorder
Nicotine is a psychoactive constituent (which affects the brain), and…
Amphetamine Use Disorder:
Stimulants such as amphetamines are a type of drug that…
Phencyclidine Use Disorder
Phencyclidine use disorder is the continued use of phencyclidine in…
Opioid use disorder
This can include pain medications, heroin, fentanyl, and even over-the-counter…
Cocaine Use Disorder
When a person continues to use cocaine regardless of the…
Cannabis Use Disorder and Cannabis Dependence Disorder
Cannabis use disorder is also termed cannabis addiction. It means…